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Top 5 Labelling Machines For Food Products

There’s an endless array of options when it comes to labelling machines for food products. Food products come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, so it’s important to find the labelling machine that’s going to be best for your packaging.

At Atwell, we have all the self-adhesive labelling machines you could possibly need, along with the know-how. We have the perfect labelling machine for any task, so to make sure you’re able to find exactly what you need, we’ve put together this handy list of the top 5 labelling machines for food products.

Top and Bottom Labelling Machines

Top and bottom labelling machines are one of the most popular types of labelling machine available. They’re typically used when variable data needs to be printed, such as ingredient lists, expiry dates, batch numbers, or promotional info. Top and bottom labelling is often used for fresh and pre-packaged foods, although it can be used for just about anything. Depending on the requirements of the package, the top, bottom, or both can be labelled as it passes along the station, doing so with both speed and precision. Secondary packaging like outer cardboard boxes can also be labelled too.

Wrap-Around Labelling Machines

With an ever-increasing number of legal regulations surrounding our products these days, it’s becoming more and more important to take advantage of all available surface area. When it comes to a cylindrical container, then there’s nothing better than wrap-around labelling machines. One of the largest applications of wrap-around labelling machines is with beverages, where thousands of cans, bottles, and other products have their labels applied around the container.

Side Labelling Machines

Visuals and aesthetics play a huge part when it comes to label design, as it often plays a huge role in someone’s decision to buy a product. Attractive side labelling is therefore a must for certain food products and is a perfect place to contain information such as ingredients, expiry dates, or batch numbers. Since side labelling is often so much about the aesthetics, it’s important to have a good quality side labelling machine to ensure the label is perfectly placed and centred, free from any unsightly creases.

Seal Labelling Machines

While we typically think of labels as a means to get across information or branding, they’re just as frequently used to close or seal packaging—especially when it comes to convenience food. Whether it’s baked goods, sushi, sandwiches, or whatever else, labels are often used to keep the packaging secure, while also providing important information. Seal labelling, also known as over-corner labelling, tamper-evident labelling, or C- or L-shape labelling, requires special edge-pressing abilities, and only the incredibly precise labelling systems can do the job properly.

Front and Back Labelling Machines

As we already mentioned with the side labelling machines, a strong visual aesthetic is often key to selling your product. You want a label that draws the customers in, sparks their interest, and gets the brand across with a simple and eye-catching design. What you don’t want to do is overload the customer with lots of information, so for this reason, important information such as expiry dates, ingredients, or batch numbers are placed on a separate side of the package (usually the back). To achieve this perfectly and avoid any creasing or off-centre labels, front and back labelling machines are the perfect solution. Like top and bottom labelling machines, front and back machines are able to print on two sides of the product at once, making them the perfect solution to any front and back labelling needs.

For more information on advanced labelling systems and to find the right option for your products, contact our specialist team.